Doctor Who episodes ranked

All doctor who episodes (eventually) between 2005 and 20014 ranked into tiers.

Mon, 25 Mar 2024 13:10:30 GMT

Doctor Who episodes (2005 - 2014)

All doctor who episodes (eventually) between 2005 and 20014 ranked into tiers. Anything after 2014 with Peter Capaldi as The Doctor isn't included, as they're so bad I refuse to acknowledge their existence 🤓

Tiers are:

  • S: Stellar, amazing, groundbreaking, no notes.
  • A: Overall pretty damn good. Not quite reaching into S tier.
  • B: Better than the average Dr. Who episode. Nothing amazing, but a bit better than run-of-the-mill.
  • C: Your bog-standard Who. Nothing special.
  • D: Bit of a let-down, but we've had worse…
  • E: Bottom of the barrel. You wouldn't watch these if you had a choice.
  • F: Absolute dog shit, laughably bad, what were they thinking?

The List

Tier Title Season Episode Notes
S The Girl in The Fireplace S2 E4
S Blink S3 E10
S Midnight S4 E10
S Silence in The Library S4 E8
S The Impossible Planet S2 E8
S The Satan Pit S2 E9
A Dalek S1 E6
A The Empty Child S1 E9
A The Doctor's Wife S6 E4
B The Unquiet Dead S1 E3
B Father's Day S1 E8
B The Doctor Dances S1 E9
B Bad Wolf S1 E12
B The Parting of The Ways S1 E13
B Forest of The Dead S4 E9
C Rose S1 E1
C The End of The World S1 E2
C Tooth and Claw S2 E2
E Closing Time S6 E12
F Love and Monsters S2 E10