Spicy sausage pasta

Shamelessly stolen and tweaked from Gordon Ramsay, this dish is quick to make and satisfyingly filling.

You will need

  • 1 red onion
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 6 spicy sausages (removed from skins)
  • garlic (to taste)
  • paprika (to taste)
  • 1 cup rice
  • white wine
  • vegetable stock
  • tomatoes
  • parsley


  1. Chop and fry red onion for 5-6 minutes until caramelised
  2. Chop and add the bell pepper
  3. Add sliced garlic
  4. Turn pan to hot, and add the sausage meat and fry everything together for a few minutes
  5. Add paprika (1stp, though to taste)
  6. Stir in the rice and allow it to fry with everything else for a minute
  7. Drizzle white wine into the pan to lift the flavour off the bottom of the pan and into the food
  8. Cover everything with stick (2:1 stock to rice) and simmer until the rice is cooked
  9. Add fresh sliced tomatoes and parsley